Sonntag, 8. Mai 2016

Fortetzung 20 Gunas

1.   Guru-Prithvi & Jala (H2O) predominant Dravyas are mostly Guru in nature. Therefore these Dravyas increase Kapha Dosha, they decrease Vata.

2.   Laghu- these are Akash & Vayu predominant. They increase Vata & decrease Kapha; they tend to reduce the bulk of tissues. They are easily digested. 

3.   Manda-these substances move slowly in the body. Reducing Vata & Pitta, increases Kapha. E g – Ghee/butter.

4.   Tikshna-These are Agni predominant. They break the Sanghata (accumulation) of Dosha/Dhatu/Malas. They reduce tissue bulk, increase pitta, and decrease Kapha. They may produce inflammation. E g- Marich(black pepper)

5.   Sheeta-Jala predominant. Produce pleasant cold in the body. Decrease pitta, increase Vata & Kapha. These are Stambhan in nature (They prevent the flow of Dhatu or Mala outside its strotas). They are hemostatic. E g Chandana (sandalwood), Kamala (lotus).

6.   Ushna- Agni predominant. Produce heat, digest food, increase pitta, decrease vata, they melt & decrease the Kapha. E g-Chitrak.

7.   Snigdha Jala & Prithvi predominant. Increase kapha, decrease vata, increases tissue bulk. These are oily substances. E g –Gruta (Ghee), Oil.

8.   Ruksha - Opposite to Snigdha, these are dry. VayuPrithvi & Agni predominant. These try to absorb the wetness & oilyness in the body. Decreases Kapha, increase Vata.

9.   Shlakshna - sanft, glatt: means soft to touch. Substances that are like talcum powder (with rounded particles) may be included in this category. These increase Kapha, decrease Vata. E g- talcum powder, Shatavari(Asparagus.

10.   Khara-Opposite to shlakshna, these are rough. They increase vata & decrease kapha. They are Prithvipredominant. E g –(Vacha

11.    Sandra - dicht, schwer: this means coagulated. This Guna binds the particles together. These substances are Prithvipredominant. They increase Kapha & decrease Vata. E g- Shimbi type of grains

12.    Drava - Flüssig:.This is opposite to Sandra. This Guna liquefies the food & facilitates the digestion. E g – water, milk, sugarcane juice.

13.    Mrudu - weich, sanft: this also means soft, but in respect to its action in the body. Jala & Akash are predominant. This reduces Pitta, nourishes Dhatus, reduces inflammation (Daha), and heals wounds. E g- Yashtimadhu.

14.   Kathina - Hart: This is opposite to Mrudu. These substances give strength to the body. They tighten the loose tissues in the body. They are of course, Prithvi predominant. E g –Khadira.

15.  Sthira - Stabil: Substances having this property tends to remain at same location for a    longer time, they don’t move (or move very little). Prithvi predominant. They improve & increase the bony tissue (Asthi Dhatu). E g – Babul (Acacia Arabica).

16.   Sara - Cala - Beweglichkeit, Geschwindigkeit: Opposite to Sthira. These substances spread in the body very fast. They increase Vyana Vayu. E.g.- Alcohol, Poisonous substances.

17.   Sukshma - Subtil: Substances having this property can go into minutest Strotasas (channels). This property can be used to convey other medicines into smallest cavities. E g- alcohol, oil.

18.    Sthula - Grob: this is opposite to Sukshma. These produce Kapha. They are difficult to digest. They can be absorbed in the body when digested. eg-Kadali(banana) 

19.    Vishada - Klar: this means cleansing property. These Dravyas remove the stickiness. These can be used for wound healing (by cleaning it). These are Prithvi & Vayu predominant. They also remove the Kleda (One sticky byproduct in the body). eg-khadir

20.    Pichhila - Ölig:  this is opposite to Vishada. These are Jala predominant. They increase Kapha. They improve the joints (ligaments). E.g.- ShalmaliBadara.

Ayurvedic diagnosis is nothing but identification of increased or vitiated Doshas get mixed with Dhatus and vitiate them. Together, they form the disease complex.

20 Gunas

1.Schwer (guru)         K2.Leicht (laghu)                            V
3.Kalt (sita)                 K/V4.Heiß (usna)                                P
5.Ölig (snigha)            K6.Trocken (rùksa)                          V
7.Sanft (manda)          K8.Spitz, penetrierend (tiksna)        P
9.Stabil/ fest (sthira)    K10.Beweglich (sara, cala)..Flüsig?  V
11.Weich (mridu)           K12.Hart (kathina)                             P
13.Klar (visada)             V14.14. Schleimig (picchia)               K
15.Zart (slaksna)           K16.Rauh (khara)                              V
17.Fein (sùksma)          V18.Grob (sthùla)                              K  
19.Zähflüssig (sàndra)  K20.Dünnflüssig (drava)                   P

Element  Eigenschaften
1. Erdelement Schwer, rauh, hart, sanft, fest, grob u.a.
2. Wasserelement  Ölig, dünnflüssig, flüssig, kalt u.a.
3. Feuerelement   Spitz, heiß, fein, leicht u.a.
4. Luftelement   Trocken, leicht, rauh, klar, fein u.a.
5. Ätherelement    Leicht, fein, „durchdringend“ u.a.

guru laghu K,  schwer leicht V
manda tikshna K? P langsam schnell, scharf, spitz P
shita ushna K, V kalt heiß P
P kühlend erhitzend
snigdha rukhsa K ölig trocken V
slaksna khara K      sanft/ glatt rau V
sandra drava K dicht zähflüssig flüssig P
schwer dünnflüssig
mrdu kathina K weich hart P
sthira sara/cala K stabil beweglich V
sukshma sthula V fein, subtil grob, groß K
vishada picchila V klar schleimig, viskös K
nicht schleimig anhaftend

Sara, Sanskrit सारा sārā  1. die Essenzielle, Beste, Höchste, Starke. Sara sārā ist auch die Bezeichnung für Durva und Kusha Gras, die gut zum meditieren sind
Sara (Sanskrit: सर sara adj.) 2. flüssig, sich ausbreitend; laxativ, abführend, ( Nachfragen Unterschied zu "drava"


Was sagt Yoga Vidya zur Kapha Konstitution?