Dienstag, 13. Februar 2018

Ojas part 2

Ayurveda is all about maximizing Ojas. Ojas is the vitality or life energy which gives you a radiant and healthy glow.

Lets take a closer look what Ojas means in a deeper understanding:

The key to living healthy is really to maximize what we call ojas. Now, Ojas is an essential vitality or life force, that really distinguish us as living beings, not only happy but healthy, comparing to someone who is not living at all.

There are 8 essential drops of Ojas, what we call ashta-bindu in Sanskrit, that must exist in the mind body in order  for us to live.
Beyond that we have 1 handful of Ojas; that provides us through the mind-body. This other Ojas can at any point in live either being maximized or deprived.
And that Ojas accounts to the difference either i feel vital, healthy happy, ready to climb a mountain or swim in the ocean.
But when deficient it results in weakness, fatigue and ultimately in disease.

Ojas is a highly pure biological substance, the essence of all the types of body tissues
 and the ultimate end product of the bio-sytnhese-body-metabolism standing at the top of an extremely complex refining process & food pyramid.

  • You might say that ojas is the top of a pyramid of that pyramid & that top is the gateway between consciousness and physiology, between spiritual and material. You could also say Ojas is the first material or physical expression of consciousness in the body, with 1 leg still in the materiality.  But it is almost both; manifest and not manifested in the same time, it pervades & nourishes the body & contains the flow of cosmic energy - what we call Prana in Ayurveda and you might know this word from your Yoga lesson. 

Now, the concept of Ojas is very important to understand because when you look at the world you really see how the things work in a circle.

An example:
Soil which is nutritional rich gives the ability for a plant to get root and therefore stability and maybay the plant becomes a tree, and the tree get fruits which are rich on Ojas, and once i eat that fruit i am able to absorb that energy and the nutritional qualities from the fruit and all Ojas what comes with it. 
The topic of high-quality food is the nuts and bolts of Ayurveda. The discount mentality of the Germans is really a problem since nobody can expect Ojas from a factory chicken.

In other words: Ayurveda is all about connectivity.
How i look at the world, how i feel, how optimal my Ojas is, how excellent energy levels are, how my emotional & mental resilience is working, and this really depends not only on how i am connectet with the world but with myself.

The amount of water, the quality of the water that i drink in a day, the kind of food that i eat must be relevant to what my particular body type is, we call this Dosha
The basis to understand Ayurveda are the 3 doshas;  your natural mind-body type you are born with. In Sanskrtit we call this Prakriti, but this is another complex topic i am going to  write more later.

Montag, 6. November 2017



Deepak Chopra: How Does Meaning Transfer Into A Molecule?

“Every experience will cause chemical changes in your body and in your brain, and those chemical changes will then cause genetic changes...f those genetic changes occur often enough and with persistence, that can lead to modification of those genes such that they react the same way in the future because they’ve been trained.”

“The brain is not static. It’s dynamic. It’s changing all the time. And you’re in charge of how it changes.”