Donnerstag, 27. Oktober 2016

calming down Vata vs. increasing Agni

Dr. Murthy: "if Vata hasn't done to much damage to the person, you choose calming down Vata. If not you choose increasing Agni."

The autumn is upon us and vata dosha is naturally provoked through the increase of cold, dry, windy weather. Vata relates to wind, the principle of movement governed by the elements of ether and air. It is the energy of vata that governs all movements of digestion including peristalsis and excretion of waste products. Just as the wind is subtle and changeable, the energy of vata dosha in the body is variable and strongly influenced by changes of the lifestyle, diet etc.

Samstag, 22. Oktober 2016

Die 6 Säulen eines Ayurvedischer Therapieplans

Der große Vorzug des Ayurveda besteht darin, das man heilen kann, ohne daß das Krankheitsbild bekannt ist. Man behandelt nicht punktuell Symptome, sondern gleicht Dysbalancen aus.
Folgende 6 wesentlichen strukturellen & funktionellen Komponenten des Körpers werden berücksichtigt:

1. Dosha
2. Dhatu/ Gewebe & upadahtu
3. Mala
4. Srotas
5. Agni
6. Ama

Ein beliebtes Therapieschema ist folgendes;

1. Agni Anregung (Ingwertee, Pippali-Rasayana-Treppenkur)
2. Ausleitung/ Shodana (Ölmassagen, Dampfbäder, Panchakarma)
3. Geweberegeneration/ Ashwaganda/ Chayvanaprash)

Ausgewogene Ernährung, angemessener Schlaf, Meditationen und ein regelmäßiger Lebenstil (life-work-balance) verhindern & beugen Krankheiten vor.

Montag, 17. Oktober 2016

Kaya Chikitsa = Agni Chikitsa by Dr. Murthy

die Lehre von der Behandlung (Chikitsa) der Krankheiten, die den ganzen Körper (Kaya) betreffen = innere Medizin.

As we all know Agni is responsible for conversion of food into the body elements. Diseases emerge due to malfunctioning of the Agni in the body and hence if the Agni is set right again, then the patients get cured. Therefore the whole treatment in Ayurveda is based on the concept of Agni.
Dr. Murthy, director of Ayuwave said: "Kaya" means body and kaya chikitsa means internal medicine, but symbolical it means also Agni.

Conclusion: Therefore Kaya Chikitsa is in fact Agni Chikitsa.