Mittwoch, 16. November 2016

Colities Ulcerosa English Version

Ayurveda achieves a good treatment success in the Colities Ulcerosa, which is easier to handle as Crohn's disease.
The school medicine sees in the colities ulcerosa an autoimmune disease, based on too high concentration of interleukin-9 in the T-lymphocytes leading to an inflammatory action.
In the case of inflammatory diseases the balance between the defenses and the tolerance is shifted in favor to the defense. And by that increased defensive performance, the intestinal mucus membranes are damaged.
The bloody diarrhea stands for Pitta / Vata, the mucus stands for Kapha. The therapies strategy is thus to reduce all 3 doshas. Banana, old rice, cardamom and nutmeg are chair-binding. But the secret recipe of Ayurveda is the dried pomegranate husk (dry at 100 degrees, mortar, dissolve in water). The core of the mango (split the core, mortar it, take the inside from it and drink it with water) is also chair-binding.
The following rules have proven:
- astringent spices and food, saffron, fennel, anise, honey-melon, coriander, forest honey.
-  "takra", goat's milk yogurt, 1 part yogurt, 4 parts water (goat's milk is astringent)  - - - sweet apples, full-bodied bananas 
-  Ghee 
- snehana, basti 
 - Svedana, (sweat therapy)

 Otherwise, the general nutritional recommendations apply, ie: 
Light, Warm, Regular (LWR) 
- Breakfast: Milk is never mixed with sour fruit, but milk can be combined with sweet fruit such as pear, dates, grape, peach.